Dryflush – another toilet option

Seems like there are a number of odd toilet options out there. Had never heard of this one. Watched the video, and I’m still really not sure how this is operating. Seems to be a vacuum/liner thing with some sort of sealed inner bag that only needs changing every few months. Huh. Runs around $450, […]

The Humanure Handbook

The definitive authority on making composting toilets and running a very easy composting process that results in amazing garden compost over a 2-year cycle, and eliminates the need for sewers or septic tanks on the property.

A full version of the handbook is available online in PDF format if you want to check it out.


Septic tank alternatives

A pair of composting buckets and one of the bins.

So, if you don’t have a septic tank or sewage connection, WTF? Turns out there two obvious alternatives to dealing with that: 1) Incinerating toilets, 2) Composting toilets. Here’s some quick notes on each:
