Arched Cabin Kits

Teresa sent me this. Amazing interior space and huge variety of sizes available. Looks like really good bang-for-buck.

Man builds house, then finds out cable Internet will cost $117,000

Disconcerting article on getting internet to a rural location. Definitely a cautionary tale.

Skip the Trailer: 13 Tiny Houses Built on Foundations

Though it does not get into much detail, this is a good article for showing some approaches to stuff that’s larger than the common trailer-based tiny houses.

SIPs as building material

Snow has a co-worker that has built a lot with SIPs (structural insulated panels), and he swears by it. It’s apparently fully structural, and that means you use a lot less in the way of studs. The insulation is inherent in the panel, and compares favorably in R-rating to other insulation methods (actually, it outperforms […]

Building permits in Snohomish County

This is intriguing:

Q: Do small accessory storage type buildings require a building permit? A: You do not need a building permit for a one-story tool shed, playhouse, storage type building that does not exceed 200 square feet in building area (wall to wall) and carports with two or more sides open that do not […]

136 sq. ft. Molecule Tiny Home

This. Though I’m not likely to drop a bunch of cash on a pre-built tiny house, this one has a ton of very good ideas that we might draw upon. The stairs in particular are super cool. I also really like the idea of that little storage loft over the front door; super clever use […]

Tiny house infographic

Good set of basic info if you are having to explain the tiny house idea to someone and need a few stats to toss about. 🙂

The larger image is below the fold here:

Dryflush – another toilet option

Seems like there are a number of odd toilet options out there. Had never heard of this one. Watched the video, and I’m still really not sure how this is operating. Seems to be a vacuum/liner thing with some sort of sealed inner bag that only needs changing every few months. Huh. Runs around $450, […]

Create 25SF Storage With These Tiny House Stairs

Here’s a good how-to on building box stairs with storage built right in. I really like the idea of ripping out the existing stairs in a shed and doing something like these.


How To Build A Mortgage-Free Small House For $5,900

This article talks about a small building project that these people did (from scratch) that used a bunch of free and super cheap materials sourced from return sales and Craigslist. Interesting primarily for the step-by-step pictures that give you a feel for what’s involved work-wise.