Tiny House Living: Ideas For Building and Living Well In Less than 400 Square Feet
I think this was one of the first books I skimmed in a bookstore a few years back when I was getting seriously interested in the whole tiny house concept; a lot of the text is familiar as I read it now. The book is definitely geared to the classic DIY tiny-house-on-a-trailer type of building, but is full of great advice and in-depth noodling about what it means to gear your life towards actually living in a tiny space. Definitely a solid source of thought-provoking information – especially for the early part of the process as you are trying to get your head around the concept and move towards getting “serious” about it.
I’ll definitely grab a copy of this if I ever see it used in a bookstore, and it’s certainly worth checking out from your local library (which is what I did).
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