Good set of basic info if you are having to explain the tiny house idea to someone and need a few stats to toss about. 🙂
The larger image is below the fold here:
Good set of basic info if you are having to explain the tiny house idea to someone and need a few stats to toss about. 🙂 The larger image is below the fold here: Seems like there are a number of odd toilet options out there. Had never heard of this one. Watched the video, and I’m still really not sure how this is operating. Seems to be a vacuum/liner thing with some sort of sealed inner bag that only needs changing every few months. Huh. Runs around $450, […] Here’s a good how-to on building box stairs with storage built right in. I really like the idea of ripping out the existing stairs in a shed and doing something like these. […] This article talks about a small building project that these people did (from scratch) that used a bunch of free and super cheap materials sourced from return sales and Craigslist. Interesting primarily for the step-by-step pictures that give you a feel for what’s involved work-wise. This is a really odd and potentially interesting idea. NO idea how well it works, but I’m going to dig a bit and see if I can determine the availability. Small loads, but totally off-grid. Looks like it’s really meant for delicates, so probably not a viable thing for your only laundry option. Looks to […] Square feet, that is. Here’s a good breakout of Tiny House (trailer types) square footage with some layouts that help visualize things. Click the picture to expandify it. For reference, I include the Tumbleweed builders. These guys are kind of the gold-standard for the mobile tiny house movement. Much pricier than I am willing to bite off, but there are a lot of good ideas tied to these that we can utilize. I’m super curious how the impending law change will affect […] Lowe’s sells a ton of various wood-frame sheds and gardening houses that are ripe for conversion to a country shack. I’d love to tear into one of these and wire, plumb, insulate and panel it as a first project. Relatively cheap way to get immediate shelter at a property, letting you focus on interior finishing […] Though this was done as a full “I’m living here till I die” solution by an older woman, and might be a bit of overkill for what we have in mind, there are a lot of pictures (some are potato-quality) that give a good idea of how such a space might be laid out. She […] The definitive authority on making composting toilets and running a very easy composting process that results in amazing garden compost over a 2-year cycle, and eliminates the need for sewers or septic tanks on the property. A full version of the handbook is available online in PDF format if you want to check it out. […] |
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