A website where people who have built tiny houses try to divest themselves of said house, often because they hate it or are getting a divorce: prices reflect reasoning.
Use the search by state feature.
A great $16,000 example for sale in Yelm: http://tinyhouselistings.com/tiny-homecabin-shell-unmatched-quality/
Tesla, of course.
Powerwall comes in 10 kWh weekly cycle and 7 kWh daily cycle models. Both are guaranteed for ten years and are sufficient to power most homes during peak evening hours. Multiple batteries may be installed together for homes with greater energy need, up to 90 kWh total for the 10 kWh […]
This is being billed as a way to have gardens that do not require constant attention to watering. One of the videos mentions that this is something a lot of people who have vacation properties like to do – they drive out on the weekends to stay and harvest, but during the week their gardens […]
Though it does not get into much detail, this is a good article for showing some approaches to stuff that’s larger than the common trailer-based tiny houses.
Snow has a co-worker that has built a lot with SIPs (structural insulated panels), and he swears by it. It’s apparently fully structural, and that means you use a lot less in the way of studs. The insulation is inherent in the panel, and compares favorably in R-rating to other insulation methods (actually, it outperforms […]
The entire BoM for this is supposedly just $2k and includes sleeping loft, windows, solar power. Uses mostly finished lumber, except for the deck. (video below the break)
Looks pretty solid. Need to mute the earbleedingly horrible “music” in the video prior to watching though. 😉
M – Found the Simple Solar Homesteading Ebook that […]
This is something I’ve looked into as a possible way to put in a small glass art studio here on our property. The price is fairly reasonable, it can be brought in to set up in areas where a fully assembled shed or cabin might not fit. And it can be put on a foundation, […]
Hello, everyone! I told Mike I’d post these here when I got a few minutes – a couple are links for finding out more about a property that you think you might be interested in. (We have more links somewhere in our backups from when we were looking over the rural property we ended up […]
This is intriguing:
Q: Do small accessory storage type buildings require a building permit? A: You do not need a building permit for a one-story tool shed, playhouse, storage type building that does not exceed 200 square feet in building area (wall to wall) and carports with two or more sides open that do not […]
This. Though I’m not likely to drop a bunch of cash on a pre-built tiny house, this one has a ton of very good ideas that we might draw upon. The stairs in particular are super cool. I also really like the idea of that little storage loft over the front door; super clever use […]
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